We stand at a critical moment
in Earth’s history,
a time when humanity
must choose its future”
Earth Charter
The Universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely.
Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, … the ideal is to discover God in all things LS 233
Pope Francis invites us not merely to see creation and the creatures around us as gifts from God, but also to actually experience God in the gifts.
He reminds us of the words of the mystic Mechtilde of Magdeburg:
“The day of my spiritual awakening was the day I saw – and knew that I saw- God in all things and all things in God”
In the footnote to(LS233) Pope Francis draws on the beautiful words of the spiritual writer Ali al-Khawas, a 9th century Sufi mystic and poet:
“There is a subtle mystery in each of the movements and sounds of this world. A person will capture what is being said when the wind blows, the trees sway, water flows, flies buzz, doors creek, or in the sound of strings or flutes, the sighs of the sick, the groans of the afflicted”
This reminds me of the song by Bernadette Farrell, “Every day God” as the universe unfolds in the wonder and mystery of God bursting forth in Spring in the beauty of daffodils, the greening of the trees, the blossoms appearing in their pink and white shades on the trees that line our streets and call forth that sense of wonder and awe in our beings.
We are standing on the threshold of a new era, a new awakening that all life is holy and
all is one,
we are one,
we are connected.
Let's sit with this sense of amazement as we listen to
Long Before the Night (This Ancient Love) by Carolyn McDade https://www.youtube.com
Hence, there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, … the ideal is to discover God in all things LS 233
Pope Francis invites us not merely to see creation and the creatures around us as gifts from God, but also to actually experience God in the gifts.
He reminds us of the words of the mystic Mechtilde of Magdeburg:
“The day of my spiritual awakening was the day I saw – and knew that I saw- God in all things and all things in God”
In the footnote to(LS233) Pope Francis draws on the beautiful words of the spiritual writer Ali al-Khawas, a 9th century Sufi mystic and poet:
“There is a subtle mystery in each of the movements and sounds of this world. A person will capture what is being said when the wind blows, the trees sway, water flows, flies buzz, doors creek, or in the sound of strings or flutes, the sighs of the sick, the groans of the afflicted”
This reminds me of the song by Bernadette Farrell, “Every day God” as the universe unfolds in the wonder and mystery of God bursting forth in Spring in the beauty of daffodils, the greening of the trees, the blossoms appearing in their pink and white shades on the trees that line our streets and call forth that sense of wonder and awe in our beings.
We are standing on the threshold of a new era, a new awakening that all life is holy and
all is one,
we are one,
we are connected.
Let's sit with this sense of amazement as we listen to
Long Before the Night (This Ancient Love) by Carolyn McDade https://www.youtube.com
“The cry of the Earth and people made poor
calls us to continue the mission of Jesus
to bring forth a sustainable society
founded on respect for Earth,
universal human rights,
economic justice
and a culture of peace.”
IPA Assembly 2017
This is a central theme in Pope Francis Laudato Si.
He knew that the more we grow to love our gracious Earth
the more anxious we will be to reverence and protect our natural environment,
and to bring compassion, peace, freedom and justice to all who are living here
Francis in his world day of Peace in 2014 said
“Nature is at our disposition and we are called to exercise a responsible stewardship over it”
Are we deeply concerned about its future ?
Do we fully appreciate, even believe her role of living praise?
Read more….ncrnews.org/documents/NCR%20Readers%20guide.pdf?bl
calls us to continue the mission of Jesus
to bring forth a sustainable society
founded on respect for Earth,
universal human rights,
economic justice
and a culture of peace.”
IPA Assembly 2017
This is a central theme in Pope Francis Laudato Si.
He knew that the more we grow to love our gracious Earth
the more anxious we will be to reverence and protect our natural environment,
and to bring compassion, peace, freedom and justice to all who are living here
Francis in his world day of Peace in 2014 said
“Nature is at our disposition and we are called to exercise a responsible stewardship over it”
Are we deeply concerned about its future ?
Do we fully appreciate, even believe her role of living praise?
Read more….ncrnews.org/documents/NCR%20Readers%20guide.pdf?bl
We will respond to the cry of the earth and to people made poor
by embracing the
Sustainable Development Goals
by embracing the
Sustainable Development Goals
International Presentation Association
From the humble beginnings of a religious congregation being formed in Ireland in the eighteenth century, a global movement known as the Presentation Sisters emerged.
In recent decades a major collaborative undertaking led to the formation of the International Presentation Association (IPA).
Today, the IPA involves more than 1,600 Religious Sisters and Presentation People in over 20 countries across the world. internationalpresentationassociation.org/
From the humble beginnings of a religious congregation being formed in Ireland in the eighteenth century, a global movement known as the Presentation Sisters emerged.
In recent decades a major collaborative undertaking led to the formation of the International Presentation Association (IPA).
Today, the IPA involves more than 1,600 Religious Sisters and Presentation People in over 20 countries across the world. internationalpresentationassociation.org/
The IPA has a role at the United Nations participating in decision-making: internationalpresentationassociation.org/un-connections/
IPA uses this consultative status to influence policies at the United Nations on behalf of people and Earth made poor and advocate for systemic justice in collaboration with other likeminded NGOs and religious organizations at the UN.

Human Trafficking – Stop the slavery
We stand against all modern forms of slavery
Our IPA Vision is:
“A world in which oneness and sacredness of all life is honoured”
We are lending our ear and hearts to this belief and to the words of Pope Francis
‘All of us are called to be free,
All are called to be sons and daughters,
And each, according to his or her own responsibilities,
is called to combat modern forms of enslavement.
From every people, culture and religion let us join our forces.”
We can do this - - together
A century from now, what shall be said of our journey in these times?
And who shall the shapers have been?...Who shall have shaped the future more?
The hopeful dreamers who were strong enough to suffer for the dream?
Or the fearful pessimists who were convinced that dreaming and hope
are for sleepers only,
Not for those awake to the age?
A century from now, shall hope and humour have been strong enough
To enable living with unanswerable questions?
Or shall the pain that a transitional age necessarily brings
Have caused a retreat to old answers that no longer acknowledge new Questions?
A century from now, we shall have indeed journeyed…backward or forward
Direction can no longer be given by circumstance;
Real journeyers know that the direction is always chosen by those who make the journey.
Who shall choose the direction?
..so the question is still the same…
A century from now, what shall be said of our human journey in these times?
And who shall the shapers have been?
Pauline Coll sgs
We stand against all modern forms of slavery
Our IPA Vision is:
“A world in which oneness and sacredness of all life is honoured”
We are lending our ear and hearts to this belief and to the words of Pope Francis
‘All of us are called to be free,
All are called to be sons and daughters,
And each, according to his or her own responsibilities,
is called to combat modern forms of enslavement.
From every people, culture and religion let us join our forces.”
We can do this - - together
A century from now, what shall be said of our journey in these times?
And who shall the shapers have been?...Who shall have shaped the future more?
The hopeful dreamers who were strong enough to suffer for the dream?
Or the fearful pessimists who were convinced that dreaming and hope
are for sleepers only,
Not for those awake to the age?
A century from now, shall hope and humour have been strong enough
To enable living with unanswerable questions?
Or shall the pain that a transitional age necessarily brings
Have caused a retreat to old answers that no longer acknowledge new Questions?
A century from now, we shall have indeed journeyed…backward or forward
Direction can no longer be given by circumstance;
Real journeyers know that the direction is always chosen by those who make the journey.
Who shall choose the direction?
..so the question is still the same…
A century from now, what shall be said of our human journey in these times?
And who shall the shapers have been?
Pauline Coll sgs